

Being an artist (or any creative professional for that matter) can be joyous and immensely satisfying. If you’re trying to pursue a serious career and/or support yourself with your art, it can also be confusing, frustrating and overwhelming. Today’s artist is forced to master everything from marketing to bookkeeping to time management, all while trying to find new opportunities and navigate the ins and outs of the art world. And then once you’ve “made it” – whatever that means to you – there’s the issue of maintaining “it.” Wherever you are in your career, I try to help!

On this website you’ll find:

  • Free resources. I share and create new information and resources whenever possible. But I’m not as active here as I used to be. So if you notice a resource or link that needs updating, please do let me know!
  • My book. In 2015, I combined my three passions – writing, problem solving and the arts – and wrote “Launching Your Art Career: A Practical Guide for Artists” to help make practical advice affordable and accessible to artists everywhere. It includes advice from me and over 40 additional art dealers and artists. In 2017, I released an updated 2nd edition. You can download the first few chapters here for free.

I hope you find the information and resources here helpful.

Wishing you an inspiring & productive day!

Alix Sloan